Happy New Year! May 2015 be a stellar year for you!
Many people make New Year resolutions, but it is often hard to maintain the discipline to follow through. I find it helpful to break down my goals into small chunks, month by month, week by week and even day by day. Large goals can be overwhelming, but doable when divided into smaller pieces. I’m a great list writer and every day have lists of things I want to accomplish. In 2014, my lists seem to have consisted of damage control and keeping up with the most urgent items. I haven’t had time to consider the long term goals for my quilting activities. However, despite the on-going difficulties, I continued to teach and thoroughly enjoy traveling and sharing my quilting passion with others. I feel ready to embrace the New Year with whatever it brings and I hope that you do too.
The image above was created using Kaleidoscope Kreator software on a photo of my quilt, Celestial Garden. Here is a picture of the quilt, 84″ x 84″, which I made in 2002. It was a finalist and placed 5th in the National Quilt Museum’s contest: New Quilts from an old Favorite: Feathered Stars.