Wishing you Peace, Love and Joy for 2019.
Image designed using a photograph of one of my quilts, Stars at Sunset, manipulated with Kaleidoscope Kreator software.
Image designed using a photograph of one of my quilts, Stars at Sunset, manipulated with Kaleidoscope Kreator software.
I’ve just returned from a teaching trip to Alaska and had the good fortune to spend time on Kodiak Island with the Kodiak Bear Paw Quilters. We had three days of workshops and then I stayed an additional three days to explore the area. I went on a trip of a life time, bear watching. We flew in a float plane for an hour to a remote area on the Fraser River near a fish ladder where we could observe Kodiak bears fishing for salmon. We saw five bears. The 900 lb mama with two second summer cubs were the most photogenic. This was an incredible experience! Despite the mist and rain, we had excellent views. The bears crossed the river and came up on the trail very close to us. Our pilot was not concerned and reassured us that these bears are well fed on salmon and salmon berries and were not interested in us!
The following day, I had dinner at the Old River Inn and spied this bear quilt on the wall. There was no label on the back and the restaurant staff did not know the maker of the quilt. It’s a pretty good representation, even down to the massive claws!
May your 4th July holiday week be festive! Even if you don’t see any fireworks, perhaps you’ll be inspired by your firework fabrics, or a patriotic collection of red, white and blue. These have been in my stash for a while, still awaiting just the perfect project. Fun to pet, even if I’m not quite ready to use them!
Image made from a photograph of Christmas greens using Kaleidoscope Kreator computer software. (Fun and rather addictive!).
In July, I spent time in Italy in the Piedmont area with friends who recently moved there from the US and we went to Tuscany together. My last night in Italy was spent at a B & B close to the airport, then I had a morning to explore Milan before flying to the UK. I caught an early bus into the city center of Milan and spent three and a half hours at the Duomo (Gothic cathedral), the Galleria and the Teatro alla Scala. What I saw was fantastic and very inspiring. The sheer scale of the Duomo was so impressing and it was majestic with its towering turrets, magnificent stone carvings and windows. The combination of angular shapes and smooth curves was fascinating, and I felt awed by the grandeur of it all. I’m sure that experiencing something like this influences me when I am designing quilts, even if it’s in a very subtle way.
I climbed up to the roof top for amazing views of the skinny turrets, flying buttresses and the surrounding city.
The Galleria was spectacular too with the arches, domed ceiling, decorated floors and fancy stores such as Gucci and Prada.
I am so thankful for my amazing quilting adventure: the friends I have made; the places I have been; the joy of sharing my quilting passion when I teach; the opportunity to keep on learning from my students; the inspiration from the work others and the patterns that surround us every day; and the excitement of exploring the endless possibilities of new designs and techniques.
I saw this wonderful sewing machine quilt at the AQS QuiltWeek show in Des Moines. Quilting with Silk, 34″ x 29″, was made by Charlotte Noll, of Lauderhill, FL